Greater Muncie, Indiana Habitat for Humanity affiliate began in 1986, when the Reverend Fred Dare, Pastor of Community United Church of Christ and one of his parishioners, Sharon Brown, attended a meeting at Eden United Church of Christ to hear Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat for Humanity International. The meeting inspired people from Muncie to go to a work camp at the Americus, Georgia headquarters of Habitat International.
From that experience, the momentum to organize a Muncie affiliate was born. On July 15, 1986 a task force was formed to explore establishing a Habitat affiliate in Muncie. That same week, Muncie residents went to Lafayette, Indiana to attend a home dedication and meet President Jimmy Carter.
This is when “Infectious Habititis” set in! On September 30th a Board and slate of officers were chosen. Less than a year after getting the vision for Habitat in Muncie, the group had been given half a city block, consisting of 5 building sites! Two houses were also donated; one on South Walnut and the other on East Jackson Street. By December of that year, the group had been formally recognized as Greater Muncie, Indiana Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
Only a year and a half after the Habitat vision was cast the first Habitat home in Muncie was dedicated on April 30, 1988. It was 1,300 square feet in size and the cost was $22,000.
The second home was built at 3001 South Jefferson. But unlike the first home, which took a year to build this home was built in a week’s time! A true ‘blitz build’ inspired many new donors, volunteers, and churches.
The organization was a truly all-volunteer force until 1994, when Sharon Brown was named the first Executive Director. It wasn’t until 1996 that the first office facilities were purchased at 1923 S. Hoyt Ave. Now, the office is located at 1420 S. Hoyt Ave., a newly renovated building, with plenty of construction storage and offices for all administrative and program staff.
That same year, the affiliate hosted two representatives from Habitat Bolivia, the long-time partner ‘tithe’ country.As a response to a glut of foreclosed and vacant homes, Muncie Habitat began to rehabilitate homes in 2013. For many years, the organization exclusively rehabbed homes, giving families some unique characteristics while maintaining energy efficiency and updated utilities.
Today, Muncie Habitat works to revitalize entire neighborhoods—emphasizing sense of community, social cohesion, and collection action. The 8twelve Coalition was launched from Muncie Habitat for Humanity to bring together residents and organizations around this vision, and to solicit participation and advocate for improvements and investments within southside neighborhoods.