Muncie Habitat for Humanity has a team of employees who strive to serve their community boldly with their unique skills and diverse backgrounds. Melinda joined the Muncie Habitat team as the Resource Development Specialist in October of 2019. “I’m responsible for working with the CEO, Resource Development Director, ReStore Manager, and volunteer committees to cultivate and steward donor relationships; thereby increasing private and public funding through donor management, gift processing, and special event fundraising,” she explained.
Melinda brings extensive event planning and fundraising experience to Muncie Habitat. “I thoroughly enjoy event fundraising where I can work within my team to connect and build relationships with the leaders of our community and bring them together to make good things happen in our community,” she said.
This year the volunteer, fundraising and building construction departments worked together to host a very successful Women Build – despite the challenges of this year. “I’m very proud of the work we’ve accomplished with Women Build 2020,” Melinda explained. “I contributed to the strengthened communication with Team Leaders, prioritized organization surrounding the 6-month process, and helped plan effective Kick-Off and Wrap-Up Celebrations.”
Growing up in Muncie, Melinda is proud to be part of Habitat’s positive work in her community. “I’ve always respected the mission of Muncie Habitat,” she said. “The leadership has been effective and community support has always been high. It’s a well-run, well-respected organization that gives 100% to the community. After joining the team and witnessing first hand, all the amazing staff, partner families, volunteers, and donors that come together to help those less fortunate – those in need – I come away feeling very fulfilled and happy to be a part of something great.”