Join us in welcoming Charles as our newest partner! Some of our supporters may not know that in addition to new home builds, we also repair homes and rebuild homes on the site of homes that we cannot repair. Charles is partnering with us to rebuild a home on the same land as the home that he purchased from his father.
As a life-long community member, Charles has deep ties to the Muncie community. “I’ve lived in Muncie my entire life- in this current home,” he explained. “For 10 years I served in the United States Army and the Army Reserves, and I’ve worked with Pizza King for 35 years now. My mom and dad became very sick and I spent a lot of my time and resources taking care of them. Over the years the home started needing repairs and the costs started adding up. Eventually it would cost too much to get it repaired. I was thinking of moving out, but this place is so special to me and my family.”
Charles’ partnership with Muncie Habitat is much deeper than simply gaining a new home for himself. “Becoming a Habitat partner is exciting for me for so many reasons,” he explained. “I’m helping myself, but I also can help some other families and pick up a little handy knowledge while I put in my sweat equity hours. You’re never too old to learn!”
At the heart of Charles’ wish to rebuild on the site of his previous home, is family. “I’m the best uncle,” he said proudly. “I love my nieces and nephews. I used to have company over, but then I started doing the visiting. I’m excited to see it come back to its good days! Rebuilding this home is a way to honor my parents and it will be a legacy for them and for me. This new house will be here after I’m gone and I want to make sure the home is a good home for the neighborhood.”